Morey Forceps and olsen-hegar Needle holder
The Morey Forceps was envisioned by Alan Morey, MD , Distinguished Chair in Urologic Reconstruction at UT Southwestern Medical Center, to help “sit” the prosthetic chamber in the proximal corpora, by pressing down on the junction between the chamber and connecting tube with the back notch during closing.
The Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder has a stich cutting feature below the holding area to reduce instrument changes during closure.
Dr. Mooreville is available to answer by email or a telephone conversation can be scheduled.
+1 610.394.9850
Key Benefits
The Morey Forceps relieves stress on the metacarpal joint as the maneuver it replaces is done with the thumb and over time busy implanters note arthritic changes in this joint.
The Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder reduces instrument changes and saves time.
Features Overview
Morey Forceps: $99
SKU # 9911
Olsen-Hegar: $145
SKU # 9912
Set of both: $199
SKU # 9913
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