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Monitor for Urologic Resection Fluid2


The Uramix Monitor of Urologic Resection Fluid – MURF (originally envisioned by Steven Ochs, MD) – is a portable electronic fluid monitor, which monitors fluid use during urologic endoscopic procedures, and provides sound alerts to allow for the timely replacement of fluid bags. This avoid unnecessary interruptions during the procedure or increased vision obscuring bleeding.


Dr. Mooreville is available to answer by email or a telephone conversation can be scheduled.

+1 610.394.9850

Key Benefits

Easy to use and improves fluid management during endoscopic procedures.

Method of Use

The MURF is made to be user-friendly.

  • Hang the device first on the pole used to hang the fluid bags without any bags on it.
  • Pres “ON/OFF” key. The screen will display (8888) and the buzzer will utter the sound of being turned on.
  • Wait for 2-3 seconds until the (0.00 or 0.000) is displayed on the screen. The device is ready for monitoring.
  • Press the “TARE” key (zero) and the screen will display “0.000”. The device is ready for monitoring.
  • Hang one or two fluid bags on the device hook. The screen will display the weight/volume of the bags.
  • The device monitors fluid use and will give several sound warnings to warn operator when it is time to switch or replace fluid bags.
  • The device will give distinct warning sounds at 250 ml and at 100 ml of actual fluid to give the operator time to get ready to either switch bags or replace bags. The actual reading on the monitor might be different as the device also takes into consideration the weight of the bag or bags (up to two).
  • Press “ON/OFF” key to turn off.
  • The electronic monitor will not auto turn off; user should turn it off manually

Method of Use

The MURF is made to be user-friendly.

  • Hang the device first on the pole used to hang the fluid bags without any bags on it.
  • Pres “ON/OFF” key. The screen will display (8888) and the buzzer will utter the sound of being turned on.
  • Wait for 2-3 seconds until the (0.00 or 0.000) is displayed on the screen. The device is ready for monitoring.
  • Press the “TARE” key (zero) and the screen will display “0.000”. The device is ready for monitoring.
  • Hang one or two fluid bags on the device hook. The screen will display the weight/volume of the bags.
  • The device monitors fluid use and will give several sound warnings to warn operator when it is time to switch or replace fluid bags.
  • The device will give distinct warning sounds at 250 ml and at 100 ml of actual fluid to give the operator time to get ready to either switch bags or replace bags. The actual reading on the monitor might be different as the device also takes into consideration the weight of the bag or bags (up to two).
  • Press “ON/OFF” key to turn off.
  • The electronic monitor will not auto turn off; user should turn it off manually

Features Overview

Critical for Surgery

Prevents running out of fluid during critical parts of procedures

Easy to Use

Connects between hanging pole and bags

Sound Alerts

Provides sound alerts to notify surgical staff to change bags before they are empty

Aids Visibility

Helps prevent “red outs” (loss of visibility)

Prevent Clots

Helps prevent clot formation during “red outs”

Monitor for Urologic Resection Fluid2
Stay on Schedule

Avoids delays in procedure time

Safety is Paramount

Adds to patient safety

Easy To Power

Electronic Fluid Monitor uses 2 AAA batteries


Portable, pocket-sized, and easily stored


No more single-use


Consistent performance


$195 for one

$295 for two

SKU # 5501

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